Monday, July 28, 2008

meskill and dodge blog

Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
Webquest & Triadic Scaffolds Blogs

Dodge, B. (2008). Some thought about webquests. Website: webquests.html.

Many school are connected to the internet and the numbers of schools with computers have grown in recent years. This article provides the definition for Webquests as being an inquiry based approach an activity that uses the internet to find their quests. There are given steps to learn about webquest. First, the teacher needs to know the resources online, organize the lesson based on what is out there, identify a topic of inquiry, use the template to learn how to navigate through the webquest.
This article is useful to as it pertains to having students use the internet as a source for information gathering through the inquiry process. I will definitely use this resource to implement this approach to my seventh and eighth graders as well as my high school multimedia class. I think the instructions on how to do webquests are easy to follow and it is very teacher friendly.
I was surprised to see all the thinking skills a webquest activity includes. Comparing, classifying, inducing, deducing, analyzing, constructing, abstraction, and analyzing different perspectives are all skills a longterm webquest entails. I can see doing a longterm webquest with my high school student but not with my middle school students. It would be too long for them to complete a long term quest.

Meskill, C. (2005). Triadic scaffolds: tools for teaching English language learners with computers, language learning & technology, pp 46-59, 9
This article describes a teacher’s innovative approach to English language learning that is designed through triadic scaffolding where the teacher uses a verbal strategy with the computer as the contributor as to what the strategy accomplishes. The computer is used as a vehicle for capturing the students’ attention and motivation to anchor their learning through teacher directed language activity. The language forms and functions are learned in a triadic discourse (teacher, learner, computer) .
This article is a hard read due to the high level of vocabulary used. I liked the part that described the research suggesting that the use of computers as a tool increases student motivation and high level of attention is being given to the teacher instruction. In addition, I like the part where the student, John, was an unreachable student who, by this approach did very well and was involved. I can see this approach being used in my school region in the villages where there is language deficiencies in English. Computers in this approach can support their learning and motivate them to become good English learners.
In this approach, the teacher has to be very organized and conscious about the instructional sequence of the activities to lead students to cognitive academic language. I am wondering how teachers with poor organizational skills and technology skills could navigate through this approach. There would seem to be a lot of attention being focused on teacher training and development for it to be successful as it is designed to be.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Godwin-Jones blog

Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
Godwin-Jones Blog

Godwin-Jones, R. (2008). Emerging technologies web-writing 2.0: Enabling, documenting, and assessing writing online, 12 (2), 7-13.

After reading Emily and Erin’s blog, I am thinking, I so don’t know how to blog, and keep people smiling and laughing. I think this is what is meant by some of the articles we have read so far. And I promise, I think I can be less anal. Really! But, for the last time let me be anal and write the rest of the summary as I see fit. I promise the next blog won’t be as…let’s see, how Erin puts it…blah, blah, blah, blah. J

This article talks about the trends in technology in recent years and how the internet has influenced the changes in modes and purposes for writing online. New opportunities and incentives for personal writing through blogging have provided social networking. This article also touches on linking formal and academic writing through informal and recreational means for connecting writing with emerging technologies. Language tools and online services have improved writing through automatic assessment of writing prompting students to be more encouraged to participate online.
Tools online such as Web 2.0, Adobe, Photoshop Express, Flickr and Facebook are easily accessed through the Web browser. The recent trend is that there are more free online editors available such as On Text, widgEditor, Xstandard, and Textile. Other emerging text editors include Google Gears/Google Docs, FCK editor, Mleditor, and others that enable participants to share and collaborate on projects.
Assessing online writing through the use of portfolios contributes to learners taking more responsibility for documenting and assessing their language skills. To assess English grammar, Microsoft tools has the capability to take text and automatically make the corrections in the English vernacular. Other editing tools available online are Language Tool (used in 12 languages) which could be used in addition to the tool OpenOffice.
I would like to end this very “so to the article” blog by adding one more to the litany of facts and factoids by saying that we want to make a range of opportunities to improve student writing….and one way to do this is to loosen up, let peers review each other’s writing, and provide feedback. Social networking, as I have witnessed this summer, can be a way to not only provide academic feedback, but to also provide it in a way that is so non-academic (and sometimes even using jargon not found typically in the classroom). I am not typically this loose in my responses, but let’s just say that the stars were aligned and that a Eureka! moment has finally hit!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mcfarlane blog

Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
Laptops are coming

McFarlane, S. (2008). The laptops are coming! The laptops are coming!, Rethinking Schools, 22, 22-26

This article covers some considerations educators should be aware of before adopting the technology on a wide scale and evaluate its potential effectiveness or its downfalls. The author asserts that educators should be aware of ethics and power structures surrounding the use of technology and be able to evaluate and adjust the impact of technology on the development of cognitive, social, and emotional domains of students and teachers.
As discussed in the article, the use of computers and technology changes how students and the general public interact, communicate, and transfer information in this digital age. One negative aspect the author became aware of in her experience with technology in her classroom was the fact that she was spending an enormous amount of time maintaining, responding and updating email, webcasts, attendance, and everyday tasks- much of the student to teacher dialogue was taken away by the digital communicating. She also became aware that there was an imbalance between teaching and monitoring. I can relate to this as I have found that in my own teaching, I realized that students were spending much of their time on tutorials rather building projects and needed to find ways to shorten the amount of time we spent on learning the technology rather than using it.
Another aspect of using technology in the classroom that I became aware of through this article is the possibility of a social stigma attached to the lack of being able to know how to use technology. Students can be stigmatized for not being able to navigate through a plethora of technology devices used today. I have not considered the possibility of the this stigmatism.

garcia blog

Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
Garcia article blog

Garcia, A. (2008). Rethinking myspace, Rethinking Schools, 22, 27-29
The author, as a teacher, uses MySpace as a school and social networking tool to connect with students. The prolific use of MySpace in today’s youth has prompted this educator to include MySpace as part of his teaching repertoire as a better way to communicate with his students both at school and outside of school. While creating the myspace site, it was initially set up as an outside resource. It has since evolved in connecting students with school, including students who were habitually absent.
The controversy with MySpace in the classroom in today’s society would have to be carefully communicated to parents and monitored for outside negative influence. While the concerns are legitimate, the connection with students with the teacher as a role model has positive influence including keeping them out of trouble. In addition, posting outside school events and activities that positively help shape student life and experience are posted.
Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
S.L. Thorne Blog

Thorne, S. (2006). New technologies and additional language learning. CALPER Working Paper Series, 1-26

This article discusses a number of contexts and uses of technologies that are being used in second language and foreign language classes. Three areas were addressed including the use of synchronous computer-mediated communication (chat), internet mediated intercultural L2 education (communicating across language communities/countries), and other internet supported communities such as gaming and fan sites (blogs, wikis). The author also incorporates the study of internet based education with studies on the inter-language process, the negotiation of meaning, the socio-cultural theory, inter-cultural communication and connects this with the changes in pedagogical approaches with the advent of technology.
The connection I have with this article is on many different levels. First, it helps me to focus on the studies connecting theory for support. Second, it helps me to understand the language learning that occurs with the use of online technologies such as chats, my-space webbing, gaming, wikis, blogs, and other affiliative networks. Third, it helps me to understand that online technology can be used as a medium to promote second language acquisition. Fourth, engaging students with other language speakers of the target language through what is fun for them is a powerful way to promote the language use.
Through the interactionist SLA research, the inter-language is promoted through the process of negotiation of meaning where linguistic input increases comprehension through continued feedback and negotiation at all levels of communication discourse. It also supports the metalinguistic process where the second language learner is aware the language learning development. In addition, sociocultural theory supports the notion that human activity promotes higher order thinking and contributes to cognitive development. The use of technology based on internet activities have endless possibilities to promote language learning by connecting people through online conversations in a way that is fun and engaging.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Seale & Slappin prompt 3

Sheila Wallace
Ling 695 Multi-literacies
Seale & Slapin Promp 3

Pages 84-117 and 136-151

1. The poetry touches on features and themes that are similar across the different tribes of indigenous people. For example, the poem “My Precious Little Nephew” talks about the basic value for the love of children and the hope that they may not face prejudice. In this poem, it describes the Indian regalia and then being ridiculed in school for being Indian and the honor that was “taken” away from him. Other poems describe the emphasis placed on dreams and their deep connotations they make to one’s destiny. For example, a poem “Bad Vision” talks about a bad dream that may be ominous to ones future- there is a connection to dreams and reality. These poems touch heavily on emotions both of pride and prejudice both within the Indian community and the outside world. The reviews of poetry touch on themes and portraits of life including a life lived in harmony with society and nature, of pride and prejudice, of stereotypes, of endurance, and the highs and lows of the indigenous people.
2. Aspects of genre include poems and photo-essays. The reviews include what is stereotyped, condescending, or false portrayals and the negative images put on by mainstream society and the education system. The reviews also assess the authenticity and touches on historical accuracy.
3. These reviews are helpful in determining the authenticity of literature across the genres. The reviews are written in a style that not only describes the books but also includes excerpts to get a clearer picture about what the literature conveys emotionally, socially, and psychologically.

Pages 84-103
The poem “The Well-Intentioned Question” by Wendy Rose (Hopi/Miwuk) caught my attention because it describes an Indian woman who is often asked about her Indian name and what it means. She debates whether she should tell the truth about the meaning of her name, which she is herself is wanting to know but doesn’t. She sees herself wanting to know about being Indian, but doesn’t because she does not live among her people and ways of life. She feels a deep yearning to know her Indian self- to prove to her people that she does but there is nothing. It leaves her “forever”. The poem caught my attention because I am constantly asked about my name, and I always have this deep hesitation, because I know they will want me to repeat it over and over- and it makes me uncomfortable because they butcher the pronunciation. Then I would have to explain the meaning of my name which means “a future kiss” and I am always a little shy to say- because it is flirtatious and not noble. The structure of the poem is difficult to follow, as well as the metaphors and connotations, without the background knowledge. I think it was meant to be, because the reader has to dig deep to find the meaning. The person writing the review for this poem has to understand that the loss of identity and language are deep issues. A person writing the review needs to have authentic perspective to understand that the person is living outside of her culture in the mainstream society, such as the author of this poem, she may have unsettling issues about looking Indian, being Indian, but does not know the language and culture.

Monday, July 14, 2008

erben and sarieva ch 1 and 2

Sheila Wallace
Ling 611
Erben and Sarieva ch 1-2 pp 13-20

Erben T. (2008). Introduction : CALLing all foreign language teachers. In T. Erben & I. Sarieva (Eds), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 1-5). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This section introduces the readers to integrating technology in the language classrooms. It introduces the readers to how this book will provide foreign language teachers with a guide and framework for integrating technology into the classroom. It describes how teachers could become knowledgeable in learning how to integrate an array of technology into the learning practices in a systematic way to infuse technology into the teaching and learning process.
It provided me with the pre-reading update on what the chapter will entail and encouragement to embark on infusing technology in the classroom.

Erben T. (2008). Incorporating computer-assisted language learning. In T. Erben & I. Sarieva (Eds), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp.7-12). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This section defines the guiding principles of language teaching within the constructivist framework. It states that standards for second language teaching came about in the 1990’s byt the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The 5 C’s- communications, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities were designed under ACTFL to improve foreign language teaching. In addition to ACTFL International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) also developed standards in hopes to integrate technology into the language curriculum. This section also ties in the SLA research into second language teaching.

Erben T. (2008). Using technology for foreign language instruction: Creative innovations, research and applications. In T. Erben & I. Sarieva (Eds), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 13-20). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This chapter touches on the fact that teachers and educators are often times frustrated by their own lack of technological skills to effectively use technology to teach a second language. It talks about the impact of technology in the classroom practices using authentic material, cooperative learning, student centered learning, learner autonomy and motivation. It also describes some challenges of technology use in foreign language classrooms. The most important information that I gleaned form this chapter is the use of best practices for using technology in the classroom which includes knowing my students learning needs to plant effectively and provide support for technology, choosing material that fits the student’s learning potential, allowing students to work collaboratively with one another, and to provide a more autonomous learning environment for students.