Monday, July 14, 2008

week1 and 2 reflect

What I am getting from week one and week two are the different types of syllabuses and that there are ways to combine the 10 different syllabuses when we put our course designs together in terms of language development for Yup'ik High school students in a second language setting.

The curriculum design for language learning is huge undertaking with the process of selecting what will be taught, how will it be taught, what materials will be used, how will the language be assessed, how is the curriculum working to its effectiveness, what will be used to evaluate its effectiveness, how the teachers and students respond to the curriculum, and that there is continued revision and evaluating of the curriculum design.

In putting the language curriculum together, its important to know the audience and the stakeholders and how much contribution each has on the curriculum development.

My question is and always has been, how is the best way to teach an unstudied language in terms of its scope and sequence? English is a language that is studied and professionals put the curriculum together to reflect closer to how English language is learned. What would be the best way to teach Yup'ik as an approach that is developmentally appropriate?

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